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Influence of technological factors on the formation of medicinal calendula plant productivity in the western steppes
Individual plant productivity is the effective rate, which reflects the effectiveness of the use of soil and climatic potential and growing use of technological measures in order to intensify the processes of growth and development of plant body. In this regard, the magnitude of the absolute values of individual productivity, we can objectively select the best options for growing interaction of technological measures that are in the soil and climatic conditions of the region may determine the level of productivity and quality of medicinal calendula in the production of medicinal crops.
Hereditary characteristics, age and physiological and biochemical changes in plants, as well as seasonal and diurnal variations of intensity major environmental factors (temperature, humidity, level ground and air power, etc.) cause they almost continuous and very significant changes in the intensity and localization of growth processes.
In our experiments, we investigated the growth rate. Growth rate - an important indicator of physiological state that is affected by abiotic environmental factors: light, temperature, nutrients , moisture, mechanical stress , the resistance of soil particles and so on. Plant growth is also influenced by the waste products of other coenotic single-species relationships with plants and weeds, physiologically active substances (antibiotics, growth substances ) secreted by microorganisms.
Medicinal calendula, like most herbs at the beginning of growing season growing relatively slowly - 2-3 cm per decade. In the second half of vegetation growth rate increases significantly and 7-10 cm root growth rate during the growing season uniform and an average of 2 cm per decade.
Weather conditions directly affect vegetation periods in the growth processes of drug culture. Sowing with row spacing of 60 cm allows calendula intense form aerial parts (20-25 % increase ), which is beneficial to the individual performance of the plant. Determination of relative growth allowed to visualize the trends in increments of main shoot and root ontogeny of medicinal plants.
Based on these results it is possible to note the direct and indirect effects on the growth of calendula environmental factors mediated by changes in other physiological processes. Calendula plant has erect stems branching. Each twig ends generative buds, including the number of branches corresponds to the generative organs. According to our observations , a medicinal plant for vegetation with natural fertility of the soil is able to generate 11-134 inflorescences.
Actual data and the biological productivity of medicinal calendula revealed potential drug culture to form buds when grown without the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
On average , in versions with 60 cm row spacing observed maximum values of individual plant productivity. Individual performance material in this case is 13.43 grams, which is higher than that of the other similar options to 2,41-9,21 g. The same dependence is observed with respect to the distance between plants in the row. Increasing the value of this factor contributes to a significant increase in both the total number of inflorescences per plant, and the overall performance of a plant. For a distance between plants in a row within 5 cm, the total number of clusters is 28,16 ± 11,49 pcs., and the overall performance of the plant - 4,19 ± 1,70 g, while the version with the distance between plants in a row within 20 cm, these figures increase to 91,36 ± 34,34 pcs. and 13,76 ± 5,13 g , respectively. A slight increase in individual productivity indicators observed by planting calendula for medicinal thermal regime of the soil 6-8 ° C at a depth of seeding.
Key words: medicinal calendula, yield, individual productivity, sowing, row spacing and distance between plants in a row.
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