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The implementation of the selection-genetic potential of sugar beet in the right bank of the central forest-steppe of Ukraine

It was shown the results of researches on the effect of varietal features on the defeat of diseases and productivity of sugar beet. The monitoring and counts showed that the growth and development of sugar beet plants to some extent depends by the genotype. It was shown the direct relationship between the seed germination and field density of the plants. In hybrids Shevchenkivskyy and Alexandria by the sowing of seeds 3.5-4.5 mm fraction the stairs at 1 m of the  row by an average of five years was 5.7 pcs/m, the hybrid ULVCHS 37 – 5.5 pcs/m. One of the main features that define the hybrid adaptability to harmful microorganisms is the genetically conditioned resistance. According to the field observations the greatest prevalence and harmfulness of cercosporosis of leaves in the region was in 2008. The most susceptible common of scab had roots has the hybrid Alexandria. On average for the five years in the area of ​​SE RG "Shevchenkivske" for the complex of adaptive traits to a greater extent, was showed triploid hybrid Shevchenkivskyy, in compared with diploid ULVCHS 37. At the first time the yield of roots was 46.5 t/ha, sugar yield – 7.6 t/ha, in the second time 40.5 and 6.6 t/ha. The year economics effect consisted 110,2 thousand UAH on the area 90 ha.

Key words: sugar beet, hybrids, agroecolodical evaluation, productivity.



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