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Gibberellin effects on formation and performance of sweet pepper photosynthetic apparatus
The results of the study suggest that exogenous gibberellin application to sweet pepper in the budding phase leads to the changes in plant morphogenesis. The plants treated with gibberellin were characterized by more intensive growth than the plants of the control group. In particular, during the fruit formation the height of the plants that had been treated with 0,005 % GA3 preparation was 55,28±1,23 sm compared to the control plants of 48,6±1,08 sm high.
The importance leaf surface area in plant productive process is a well known fact. During the study we observed that the quantity of leaves, their total area and the dry and raw substance weight increased. This suggests that exogenous gibberellin application leads to the formation of more powerful leaf apparatus. An important coenocytic indicator of photosynthetic productivity of seeding-down is leaf index. An important coenocytic indicator of photosynthetic productivity of inoculations is the leaf index. We proved that after gibberellin application this indicator was higher compared to the control group.
It is known that leaf physiological state is closely connected with its structural features, and it is defined as mesostructure in the scientific literature.
Notwithstanding that in many cases the mesostructural indicators of leaves display the photosynthetic activity of plants, gibberellin effect on red pepper photosynthetic apparatus formation was not studied. The results obtained during the study show that the formation of photosynthetic apparatus becomes more potential.
The plant leaves of the studied group differed by bigger thickness due to extension of the main photosynthetic tissue – chlorenchyma. The volume of columnar parenchyma and linear sizes of the spongy parenchyma cell increased. At the same time, the total sum of chlorophylls reduced after GA3 application. Moreover, due to bigger leafy mass formation in the plants of the research group the total content of chlorophylls in one plant under the effect of GA3 incresed. In particular, in plants of research group it was 0,76±0,03 g and in control group it was 0,83±0,04 g. Accordingly, the chlorophyll index also grew after the preparation application. It was 3,8 ±0,19 g/m2 in the plants treated by gibberellin against 4,9±0,25 g/m2 in the control group.
The improvement of photometric and mesostructural indicators of leaves, the increase of leaf index rate and the content of chlorophylls in one plant per a unit of coenosis area contributed to the strengthening of photosynthetic activity of the leaf apparatus. It was confirmed by higher indicators of net productivity photosynthesis. The most intensive growth of this indicator was noted at the early stages of ontogenesis.
Thus, 0,005 % gibberellin acid application leads to more developed photosynthetic apparatus, which encourages plants to form powerful donor potential and is a prerequisite for increasing of the crop yield capacity. The analysis of yielding capacity of sweet pepper treated with GA3 suggests that changes in morphometric indicators and leaf mesostructure of leaves lead to the increase of sweet pepper yield rate.
Key words: sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.), plant growth regulators, gibberellin, morphogenesis, photosynthetic apparatus, crop productivity.
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