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Economic efficiency of growing bob of vegetable dtpending on inokulyacii seed in the conditions of right-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine

In the conditions of the Vinnytsya area for the receipt of products of green bobs recommend for growing the sort of domestic selection of middle-ripening group of ripeness Ukrainian suburb with the lead through of Inokulyaciya.

Inokulyaciya of seed was instrumental in an increase de bene esse of net income at the sort of Karadag on 2129,5 hryvnya, at a sort Ukrainian suburb on 6647,6 hryvnya, here accordingly the prime price of 1 t of green bobs diminished on 100,5 and 111,4 hryvnya, levels of profitability 71,9 and 95,3 % and biopower coefficient 3,43 and 3,97.

Key words: profitability, yield, expenses, price, economic and bioenergetic efficiency.



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