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Chemical content of the green mass of white sweet clover in a single-crop and compatible sowing with annual ce-real crops depending on seeding and fertilization rate

The article highlights the results f the three-year research on the cultivation of white sweet clover in compatible crops with annual cereal forage crops in the Right-bank forest steppe. It was established determined The impact of species content, seeding rate and fertilizing on forming chemical composition of white sweet clover is studied, the optimal species of cereal components, fertilizing and seeding rate of white sweet clover is determined.
The research was conducted during 2015-2017 in the research laboratory of Feed processing, melioration and meteorology at the separate unit of National University of life and environmental sciences of Ukraine "Agronomic Research Station".
It is established that chemical content of white sweet clover in single-crop and compatible sowings with annual cereals depended on the crop seeding rate, mineral nutrition and the mixture type.
The content of raw protein in dry matter, depending on the species composition of the cenosis, was the highest in the variant of a compatible crops with the sudanese grass (19.26-20.8 %). When cultivating of white sweet clover in a single-crop, the protein content ranged 20.55-22.2 %. Application of mineral fertilizers contributed to an increase in the content of raw protein in all variants of the experiment and averaged 0.91-1.42 %, as compared to the unfertilized variant. The highest rates were noted for the maximum N60P90K90. In all variants of the experiment changes in the white sweet clover seeding rate from 16 to 22 kg/ha the reduction in the content of raw protein was 0.2-0.35 %. The highest content of raw protein was found in the green mass of white sweet clover in a single-crop and in compatible sowing with sudanese grass, with a seeding rate of 16 kg/ha and fertilizer N60P90K90 – 22,2 and 20,8 %.
The content of raw fat in the experiment was 3.22-4.73 %. Intensive growth and development of both legumes and cereals under mineral fertilizing contributed to an increase in the content of raw fat by 0.18-0.23 % and the highest one was observed when N60P90K90was introduced. The maximum fat content was observed for pure seeding of white sweet clover and cultivation with corn, under seeding rate of 22 kg/ha and N60P90K90 fertilizing – 4.73 and 4.01 %.
The highest content of cellulose was observed on non-fertilized areas of the experiment - 20.4-25.42 %. On average, the content of cellulose decreased by 1-1.17 % under applying the maximum N60P90K90 fertilizer as compared with non-fertilized variants. At the same time, the content of cellulose varied depending on the grass mixers species composition. The greatest amount of cellulose in the dry matter of the feed was found in the variant of the compatible sowing with millet and sorghum – 25.42 and 25.18, while the smallest amount was observed in white sweet clover – 19.31, the cultivation with corn made 22.95 and sudanese grass – 23.21 %. An increase of the seeding rate of white sweet clover from 16 to 22 kg/ha increased the content of cellulose by 0.25-0.48 %.
In the studies reveal that fertilization, seeding rates and species composition noticeably influenced the content of raw ash. The highest content of ash was noted in the compatible sowing with the sudanese grass – 8.02-9.52 %. In the white sweet clover in a single-crop, its contents varied within 6.91-8.69 %. The content of raw ash increased by 0.19-1.17 % depending on fertilizer and the highest one was observed when the N60P90K90 was introduced. An increase of seeding rate of white sweet clover density up to 22 kg/ha reversed the content of raw ash and reduced its rates by 0.41-1.61 %. The largest amount of raw ash was found in the compatible sowing with sudanese grass – 9.52 %, for seeding rate of 16 kg/ha and fertilizer N60P90K90.
In variants without fertilizers, the proportion of NNES is the highest, and decreases with an increase of the level of mineral nutrition. The average decrease was observed in the range of 0.21-1.2 %. The highest content of non-nitrogenous extractive substances was noted in cultivation with millet – 47.33 and 47.26 % in white sweet clover in a single-crop. Changing the seeding rate of legume crop correlated worth NNES indicator in the stern. The most significant change was under the norm of 22 kg/ha – 0.55-1.34 %.
Key words: chemical composition, compatible crops, chemical content, white sweet clover, corn, millet, sudan grass, sorghum, seeding rate, fertilization.



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