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Canabis sativa phytomeliorative crop

Among the technical crops grown in Ukraine, redroot seedlings are grown to produce high-quality, durable and environmental fiber. In addition, redroot is still a well-known narcotic culture, which has wide practical application in pharmacology. Domestic breeders have created modern varieties of redroot seedlings, which include Gliana and Glesia, whose plants contain less than 0.02 % of narcotic substances. Crop redroot plants have one more another valuable property as well – the ability to phytomelioration, that is, to improve the quality characteristics of the soil on which they vegetate. The purpose of the three-year research was to determine the presence and amount of inorganic elements in the soil and the level of translocation in the process of vegetation to the redroot plants of the varieties Gliana and Glesia, namely: to the tissues of the plant stems and to the seeds. As a result of the studies, it was determined that he content of heavy metals and their compounds in seeds and the stems of redroot seed was determined. It was found out that the stems of the plant accumulate a much larger content of sodium (Na), aluminum (Al), chromium (Cr) compared to the seeds. The high content of heavy metals like boron (B) and magnesium (Mg) is fixed in Glianа and Glecia varieties seeds such as compared to stalk tissues, but all these elements in the soil of research are tens and hundreds of times higher than the level of translocation in plant tissue of redroot. Concentration of these elements compounds in the arable layer of the soil, the level of energy (light), plants nutrition during vegetation, varietal features, stages of organogenesis of plant cultures and the specificity of the above-ground parts – stems and seeds – had a significant impact on effect on the value of these chemical elements accumulation in the cannabis plants sowing studied in the laboratory tests. According to the results of the research, it has been established that chemical elements that are of varying degrees toxicity to humans come to the redroot plants in different ways, which must be taken into account when conducting agrotechnical measures. The amount of Na, Al and Cr compounds accumulation in the tissues of the stems is influenced by the level of plants lightning and the varietal features of the redroot seedlings. The plants of the studied varieties accumulated reliably higher amount of Al and Cr compounds under conditions of their vegetation with certain restrictions on the level of lightning during the vegetation. Heavy metals compounds concentration was lower by 40.5-45.6 mg/kg and 9 and 10.3 %, respectively, for plants vegetating in 15 cm space between rows as compared to the those of 45 cm row-spacing. The nature of boron (B) and its compounds the accumulation in with redroot seedlings tissues differ significantly for their quantitative content in the research soil. The translocation to the plants is influenced by the plants growing conditions: the feeding area, the ripening phase, the varietal features. In order to obtain environmentally friendly products, it is necessary to take into account the varietal features of plants in terms of their ability to absorb and accumulate the relevant chemical elements and their compounds in the cultivation of redroot seedlings. The research results will contribute to the development of scientific advice on redroot seedlings cultivation, which will ensure the availability of environmentally safe products.
Key words: accumulation, interphase periods, aisles, seeds, stem, chemical compounds.


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