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The assessment of phenophases, biometrics and yield of the brussels sprouts hybrids in the conditions of Right-Bank Forest-steppe
This article analyzes the characteristics of Brussels sprouts hybrids. In the trials we measured the duration of the individual phases of plant growth, biometric indicators, analysis of indicators of productivity and biochemical study of product organs. We used the hybrids Diablo F1, Dolores F1, Franklin F1, Diamant F1.
The literature sources and practical experience now indicate a growing interest of people in expanding the assortment of vegetables and the search for new species that can be used in food. The current requirement is the need to introduce new types of vegetables, which is possible due to growing rare plants. The range of the plants may be successfully supplemented by the Brussels sprouts that has a significant potential in terms of science and production. However, its introduction is slow due to low productivity, growing technology imperfections, lack of native varieties and hybrids. Native varieties and hybrids of Brussels sprouts are currently absent in Ukraine. Therefore, there is a need to study the agricultural traits of the hybrids of foreign breeding and the selection of the best ones for further cultivation in Ukraine.
Most Brussels sprouts varieties are characterized by lower yield rate and marketability compared to the hybrids. Therefore, a thorough study and selection of the best hybrids for cultivation under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-steppe is the task of great current importance.
The aim of research was to establish dependence of formation of biometric indicators and yield of Brussels sprouts depending on the hybrid under conditions of Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine.
We studied the following hybrids: Diablo F1, Franklin F1, Dolores F1 (Bejo Zaden selection, the Netherlands), Brilliant F1 (Nickerson Zwaan selection, the Netherlands). These hybrids have a good taste, the same growing season and sufficient yield rate in Ukraine, and Diablo F1, Franklin F1 hybrids were included in the State Register of plant varieties suitable for dissemination in Ukraine. Diablo F1 hybrid was adopted as a control. The trials were carried out in triple repetition on the trial plot of Vinnytsia national agrarian university in 2013-2014 years.
The results of our study suggest the hybrid Franklin’s distinct advantage over other hybrids.
The analysis of Brussels sprouts passing the main phenological phases in 2013-2014 demonstrated the advantage of the hybrid Franklin F1, which recorded the earliest onset of tying heads and full maturity, which in turn means the shortest growing season.
The greatest number of leaves in 2013-2014 was shown by the hybrid Dolores F1 with an index of 42.6 pc., which is slightly above the control version. The width of the leaf slightly differed in the hybrids and ranged 17,1-17,6 cm. The highest leaf surface area and, respectively, sowing leaf surface were registered in the hybrid Diablo F1. The hybrid Franklin F1 demonstrated the highest number of heads on the plant. The highest average yield in 2 years was in the hybrid Franklin F1, where the figure reached 7.4 t/ha. Somewhat lower yields were shown by Diablo F1 and Diamond F1 hybrids.
In our research of Brussels sprouts hybrids, we carried out the chemical analysis of their product organs. The results indicate that the hybrid Brilliant F1 had the highest contents of ash elements, and the figure was 7.67 %, which exceeded the control option by 3 % (see table 4). Franklin F1 hybrid had the lowest content of ash elements with an indicator of 6.53 %, which was inferior to control by 13 %. The moisture content in product organs differed insignificantly.
Thus, the results showed the advantage of the hybrid Franklin F1 in all cases. This hybrid was characterized by earlier set of technical maturity, superior biometric indicators and productivity. However, the content of ash elements, fat and protein was inferior to other hybrids. In case of growing the hybrid Dolores F1 the yield indicators were relatively lower to other hybrids, and the hybrid Diamant F1 showed the parameters close to control.
Key words: Diablo F1, Dolores F1, Franklin F1, Diamant F1, biometric indicators, productivity, biochemical indicators.
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